温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College) Всего в базе данных ВУЗа "温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College)" находится 45 анкет.

阿列克谢 奥斯特维罗夫斯基
Факультет: 机械工程系 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2025
阿列克谢 奥斯特维罗夫斯基
Amy Zhuang
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2006
Amy Zhuang
Qiongna Ye
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2006
Qiongna Ye
雨聪 苏
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2019
雨聪 苏
Lucky Wang
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Вид обучения: Очное отделение
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2018
Выпускница (специалист)
Lucky Wang
Xc Chen
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2015
Xc Chen
Youpai Chen
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2014
Youpai Chen
Yinpeng Han
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Вид обучения: Очное отделение
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2018
Yinpeng Han
孤命 李
Вид обучения: Дистанционное обучение
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2017
Студент (специалист)
孤命 李
Zhang Anton
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончил(а) 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2011
Zhang Anton
飞 童
Факультет: 建筑工程系 (Department of Architectural Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2003
飞 童
Liang Gao
Факультет: 机械工程系 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Liang Gao
Vivian Jin
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2011
Vivian Jin
克瑞 施
Факультет: 电气电子工程系 (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2024
克瑞 施
Xu Tian
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2014
Xu Tian
Vicky Lv
Факультет: 人文系 (Department of Humanities)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2019
Vicky Lv
Xiahua Chen
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Вид обучения: Заочное отделение
Выпускник (специалист)
Xiahua Chen
Lin Xiao
Факультет: 电气电子工程系 (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2019
Lin Xiao
Mengfan Xia
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2017
Mengfan Xia
Jeremy Chou
Факультет: 人文系 (Department of Humanities)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2009
Jeremy Chou
Xinyu Fu
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Вид обучения: Очное отделение
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2019
Студентка (специалист)
Xinyu Fu
Yetta Mao
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2020
Yetta Mao
Zhu Dany
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2012
Zhu Dany
Richard Ren
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Вид обучения: Очное отделение
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2017
Студент (специалист)
Richard Ren
Eric Chi
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2007
Eric Chi
豪杰 吕
Факультет: 建筑工程系 (Department of Architectural Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2017
豪杰 吕
Leo Luo
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2013
Leo Luo
良跃 王
Факультет: 机械工程系 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2008
良跃 王
ƀ?2?恒 Ɯ?2?
Факультет: 轻工系 (Department of Light Industry)
Вид обучения: Заочное отделение
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2018
Студент (специалист)
ƀ?2?恒 Ɯ?2?
晨晨 谢
Факультет: 人文系 (Department of Humanities)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2018
晨晨 谢
Mandy Lin
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2011
Mandy Lin
Rogers Rui
Факультет: 建筑工程系 (Department of Architectural Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2015
Rogers Rui
Hy Chen
Факультет: 轻工系 (Department of Light Industry)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2012
Hy Chen
Lulu Wang
Факультет: 财会系 (Department of Accounting)
Lulu Wang
Gary Nofavor
Факультет: 工商管理系 (Department of Business Administration)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2015
Gary Nofavor
逍遥 周
Факультет: 财会系 (Department of Accounting)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2009
逍遥 周
Wuhaowei Wu
Факультет: 机械工程系 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2018
Wuhaowei Wu
黄 伟东
Факультет: 机械工程系 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2010
黄 伟东
Xiaojian Xiaojian
Факультет: 电气电子工程系 (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2015
Студент (специалист)
Xiaojian Xiaojian
Chaochao Chen
Факультет: 机械工程系 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2008
Chaochao Chen
Xixi Chen
Факультет: 人文系 (Department of Humanities)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2009
Xixi Chen
Yiyi Wu
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Окончила 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 2017
Yiyi Wu
Lihao Liu
Факультет: 计算机系 (Department of Computer Science)
Вид обучения: Очное отделение
Окончил 温州职业技术学院 (Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College): 1999
Lihao Liu