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Таня Ивченко - видео и фото

Таня Ивченко - видео и фото

  • Страна: Дмитрашковка, Украина
  • Дата рождения: 26.10.1995
  • Пол: женский
  • ВКонтакте: 69418591
  • Университет: Вуз: СПИУиП (НФ), 2013, Очно-заочное отделение, Выпускница (специалист)
    Вуз: БКИУ, 2014, Очно-заочное отделение, Студентка (бакалавр)
    Факультет: Юридический факультет
    Вуз: Արտաշատ (Арташат), 2015, Очно-заочное отделение, Студентка (бакалавр)
    Вуз: Արտաշատ (Арташат), 2015, Очно-заочное отделение, Студентка (бакалавр)
  • Образование: Школа: Средняя школа, 2002 - 2014
    Школа: Художественная школа №1, 2009 - 2013
    Школа: Школа искусств № 6 им. Жуковского, 2011 - 2016
  • Деятельность: Արտաշատ (Арташат)
  • Место работы: керн, 1987 - 2009, менеджер
  • Место работы: офис, 1990 - 2010, редактор
  • Место работы: кухар, 2007 - 2011, редактор
  • Место работы: перфор, 2004 - 2011, редактор к
  • Религия: Православие
  • Книги: Кукушкины детки (Александр Левин); Бескомпромисный (Александр Левин)
  • Аудиокниги: О Граде Божьем (Аврелий Августин); Книга Иова
  • Музыка: Поп Nikita Akon и много разногоPolitics - the art of tolerance. History points to the manipulation and the aggressive policy of many rulers. Policy - management, tools, and it must be distinguished from the goals and faking (imitating nature) policy; Policy - an inclusive phenomenon of social life, penetrating all its forms and includes all forms of social activity of people, all activities of their organization and management in the manufacturing process [2]; Policy - is the management of resource allocation; Politics - it is a sphere of social life associated with the receipt, retention and use of power; Politics - it's the desire to participate in power or to influence the distribution of power, whether between nations, whether within the state between groups of people, which it finds itself in [3]; Politics - it's part in the affairs of the state, the direction of the state, the definition of forms, objectives, content, activities of the state [4]; Politics - it's the organization's activities (its behavioral model) for the implementation of its goals (interests), such as: - technical policy; Politics - any program of action, all kinds of self-leadership than anyone or anything. Accordingly, in this sense we can say, for example, the monetary policy of the bank, the school policy of urban municipalities, the Family Policy wife against husband and children, etc. ; Politics - a set of measures and actions aimed at achieving clearly specified results; Policy - a form of social consciousness, which expresses the corporate interests of the community, and manifests itself in civil society (the state) in the form of flows, movements, trade unions and other public organizations and associations on specific interests. The most advanced and organized one party and the church. [Edit] Basic Approaches Thinkers of the past determines the policy in different ways: as a "royal art" control of all other arts (oratory, military, judicial, etc.) and the ability "to guard all citizens and, if possible make them the best of the worst" (Plato), as knowledge about the correct and wise direction (Machiavelli) as leadership of the state apparatus or the impact of this leadership (Max Weber), as a struggle of class interests (Marx). Modern political scientists define politics as the activity on the public interest expressed in the behavior of social groups, as well as a set of behaviors and institutions governing the social relationships and establish himself as a masterful control, and competition for the power authority. In modern political science, there are two key approaches to understanding policy - a consensus and confrontational. [Edit] Consensual understanding of Consensual understanding of politics comes from the ability of political interaction and cooperation as a means gradual release from conflicts that will turn into public policy instruments aimed at mutual understanding and joint action in pursuit of freedom, which expressed a higher public good. [Edit] Confrontational understanding Confrontational conception of politics (Carl Schmitt, etc.) [citation needed 647 days] comes from the fact that political engagement is the result of reaching a certain intensity of opposites in human relations. The policy creates a publicly contending groups of people mutually determine in terms of "friend / enemy". level of competence of officials and their rational use for the timely and complete tasks set by the supreme political authority of the state; accuracy of scientific analysis, using modern methods of modeling projects of major political decisions, which eliminates or at least reduces the risk of inadequate solutions to the political leadership of the state. [Edit] Place of science The most important factors determining the viability and effectiveness of policies is its conformity to the objective needs of development of material and spiritual life of society, the correct account of real economic opportunities for the state, its national and ethnic origin